Saturday, February 18, 2012


Last night clubbing with new friends I met was a lot of fun, but I was so tired today after getting back at 5 am. Luckily, I get bursts of energy whenever soccer is involved, so the pick-up game today was awesome!!! I can't wait for next Saturday.

I've been going to the Nordic Film Festival here in Prague, and the movies I've seen have all been pretty good. I was so happy I got to see the Norwegian film King of Devil's Island, because from the description I got in the pamphlet, it sounded right up my alley. And it was phenomenal, I loved it. Stellan Skarsgard did a great job, as did the younger actors.

Hopefully on my next post, I'll have another poem or a bit of a short story, either or.

Time to go hang out with some friends!

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